Life Science

The Wocklum Group deals with trading of additives for pharma, food and nutrition, which are affiliated with the newly developed area of life science. Due to our well-established and long-term supplier relations in our key business of chemistry we can generate pointed synergies to deliver food and pharma qualities of the applicable products.Constant growth of our portfolio is granted by the consistent expansion of our supplier network.


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-More than just a logical addition-

Get to know us as your competent partner for life science activities and profit from our capabilities. A widely spread product range not only supports short communication lines but also provides for a highly efficient implementation. Custom tailored service and qualified guidance with regards to distribution complete our offer.



Every pharmaceutical production requires constant quality of the applied additives and a reliable supply chain. The right partner makes the profitable difference. Our suppliers and the contacts at Lomberg GmbH not only support you in purchasing the material, but also with the specific product implementation. We will gladly prove our expertise and that of our contractors.



The food industry and its regulations require competent handling of the base materials. We deliberately use the overlapping of products in pharma, food and nutrition in the area of applied raw materials and additives. Hence, the material source and contact are often the same. We’ll gladly share this bundled knowledge with you in newly or further developing your food products.




With growing importance of the nutritional supplement industry we offer you interesting solutions. The broad spectrum of products in nutritional supplements meets our quick reaction times and continuous availability. Tableting is faced with major challenges in regards to the high standard in drug loading in nutritional supplements. Our life science products tackle this problem and allow for a smooth implementation of your product ideas.


Michael Bertzen

+49 2375 925 214